Eyelids Blepharoplasty

The surgical treatment of eyelids can be performed separately or in conjunction with face and neck surgery. Eyelid surgery itself contributes to a youthful appearance, and its goal is to treat excess skin and protruding areas of the fatty tissue around the eyeball.

Before conducting surgery on the upper eyelid, it is important to evaluate the degree of sagging of the eyebrows and the necessity of repairing their balance, as well as the ptosis of the eyelid itself, relative to the eye’s pupil. The surgical incision of the upper eyelid is located in the natural fold of the eye, 7-10mm from the lower end of the eyelid. In the surgery, excess skin is removed, but in most cases it is also necessary to remove part of the internal fat pad that tends to protrude above the interior angle of the eye. The surgical incision also permits access to the eyebrows for the purpose of raising them, mostly in the external area, as well as treating the expressive muscles between the eyebrows.

The surgical approach to the lower eyelids can be performed in most cases from the internal side of the eyelid, for the purpose of removing sections of the three fat pads that tend to protrude. Where there is excess skin, or skin and muscle, they are treated by way of an incision made 1-2mm from the edge of the lower eyelid. This incision allows the tightening of the skin and lower eyelid muscles, mostly towards the outer side and slightly upwards, to create a unified and harmonious appearance with the lower eyelid and the cheek. This area is also treated directly by injection of the patient’s fat as part of the restoration of the missing volume of the face, and occasionally by introducing special implants, cartilage grafts, or a muscle envelope sheath to thicken and support the lower eyelid.