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    The treatment is suitable for those who regard their quality of life, including physical functionality and aesthetics, as highly important. Our clients are people who are willing to deal with all the challenges pertaining to their health and are interested in seeking help, support and professional guidance in order to enjoy a long term life of health and beauty. The treatment is right for anyone who is about to undergo surgery requiring the removal of a benign or malignant tumor from any part of the body, and for whom the quality of life, functionally and aesthetically, is a top priority. The treatment is also suitable for anyone who has had a tumor removed or has been injured, and is suffering from functionality or aesthetic problems that require a proper reconstructive process. The right treatment can also be suited for cases of birth defects, in response to the necessary functional and aesthetic needs. As part of my comprehensive offering, I also perform aesthetic plastic surgery and treatments on various parts of the body, with a special focus on the face, neck and breast areas, based on my in-depth experience in reconstructive surgery.

    Every reconstruction starts out with correct planning and full disclosure regarding the path the patient is about to embark on. An extensive medical team, including myself, the clinic’s staff and additional specializing physicians, enables a precise and comprehensive treatment which guarantees optimal recovery rates. The combination of all these factors increases the chances for the desired results, and shortens the time of recovery and return to a routine life.
    Our approach is based on the idea of reconstructing for life, which offers patients a sense of full partnership and helps them move towards the desired goal in the long run: assuming responsibility for their choice to live.

    There is no need for a referral if you wish to receive a consultation. The easiest way to schedule a meeting is by contacting the clinic directly. You may also contact us through the website. During your visit to the clinic, you may receive an assessment, initial diagnosis and referral to additional inquiries and other specializing physicians in relevant fields, if necessary.

    Contacting me at an early stage enables the optimal planning of my involvement and may prevent the need for complicated surgeries later on. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to involve a reconstructive surgeon at all stages of the treatment and condition. Correct planning of the treatment and initial reconstruction enable an optimal result in terms of both the functional and aesthetic aspects.

    Complementary treatments can be conducted parallel to my work. The necessary preliminary coordination is offered as part of our service and is conducted by the clinic’s staff. Additional operations or aesthetic treatments may be included, as long as these are coordinated and carefully planned in advance.

    Reconstructive surgery is only one part of the complete treatment provided by the clinic’s staff and myself. Another important part pertains to the decision whether or not to involve additional physicians or professional therapists from different fields, based on the needs and specific case. These professionals may be involved during or after the surgery.
    Patient follow-up begins as early as the surgery itself, and continues until the desired results are achieved. Each patient benefits from personal treatment and ongoing care which includes individual follow-up, unlimited visits to the clinic free of charge, and direct telephone access to the clinic’s staff, promising an immediate response to all questions.

    Receiving a second opinion from another reconstructive surgeon or any specializing doctor is acceptable and may even clarify several issues pertaining to the surgery. Any consultation with me is not obligating, and reflects my personal experience regarding the issue at hand. In complex cases which require an additional or complementary opinion from an expert physician in his field, the patient will either be referred to that physician or will be invited to take part in a joint meeting conducted in his presence.

    The fee for each treatment is defined according to the complexity of the reconstruction, and reflects the time required for the surgical procedure as well as the cost of the operating room, projected hospitalization fees and additional expenses, such as special implants. You may be reimbursed by your HMO or insurance company, following preliminary coordination between these organizations and the clinic staff. We will do our utmost to help you receive this funding.

    Communication with patients takes place in the clinic in a personal and intimate setting and in the presence of anyone the patient chooses to join. All information discussed during the consultation is completely confidential and will be brought to the attention of the clinic’s staff if necessary. Following the initial meeting, all communications with me or the clinic’s staff will be conducted as needed, and will include consultation and clarifications, preparation for surgery or treatment, tests, imaging, contacting additional specializing physicians, as well as ongoing guidance and support during and after the surgery.

    I am personally, directly and fully involved throughout each step of the way, from consultation and surgery through recovery and rehabilitation.
    I also make sure to follow-up on patients even when they are abroad. The relationship between the clinic staff is maintained over the phone or via email and I am updated at all times.